Ya Gotta be Kidd’n!

Ya Gotta be Kidd’n!
So, we shouldn’t have traded our IQ in when it hit 50! We thought for sure that getting a sports car would be the TICKET on Turo! So, we locate this Mustang, add some nice rims to be sure we’d attract customers, and off we went. This is a decision a normal person would make if they have one lone kernel of candy corn for a brain!
We spiced things up by hiring Alex to get us a great marketing photo for the Mustang. This would ensure clicks. Well, we got the clicks. You know how you drive differently in a rental car than you do in your own car? (we will share more in future Ya Gotta be Kidd’n posts). Well, when you can rent a Mustang for half the money of Hertz’s Mitsubishi Galant you just are inviting things, if you catch my drift. So, I drive out to the Peoria airport and the car has not been returned. I call the customer and hear the following phrase which I am confident I will NEVER hear again as long as I live….”Your car was stolen but I just found it. ”Huh? My suspicious-o-meter was clanging! She drives the car to the airport and you can see the dent below. But to be clear, it was in an accident when someone stole the car, not while she had it!

So, rather than fix it, we traded it instead. This was a decision I made on the fly and I ended up getting a text from Colin stating…”Hey Dad, we can’t trade off an asset every time we have a problem with it.” Fine. Whatever.

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