Keeping Track of the Fleet

As our fleet grows, currently 7 vehicles, it has become increasing difficult to really keep track of where everything is at.  It does help to have images like the one below, especially as they scatter over the USA at times.  One might be surprised to learn that our cars have been in over a dozen states.

The GPS module we have installed in our fleet is often helpful, but has lead us astray in rare times.  For instance, we were on vacation in Florida and it was midnight when we received a call from a customer saying that our car was NOT at the airport like we said it would be.  We pulled up the GPS and found it was parked at a Wendy’s.  You see, we can remotely lock and unlock cars, and Colin has this little habit of often leaving the car unlocked, so we calculated that the car was stolen. 
We called the police, and led them directly to the car(which by this time was not at Wendy’s). In fact, it turned into a bit of a chase, as we updated police dispatch every time the car made a turn, and they updated several troopers. Once they got it pulled over, they were just about to arrest the gal when we get a call directly from the trooper.  He tells us that she says she is a customer.  I quickly look up who has cars rented from us and I ask the officer if her name is Kaitlyn.  Sure enough.  Kaitlyn had taken the WRONG car.  Instead of the 2014 Honda Accord, she jumped into our 2022 Honda Accord (who wouldn’t for the same money).  The guy who was waiting at the airport ended up getting a discount and renting the 2014 Honda instead.  😑  What a deal!

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Clear Auto Rentals

At Clear Auto Rentals, we use the Turo platform for all of our vehicles (below).  If you click on any vehicle it will take you to the Clear Auto profile on Turo.