Welcome to Clear Auto

Welcome to our brand new website showcasing the launch of our new business, Clear Auto!  This business has been in experimentation mode for the better part of 2022.  If you go waayyyy back to 2021, Colin set up Clear Auto Detailing as a side hustle business clearly on a whim.  If I recall correctly, he set up the business over a weekend and was suddenly taking orders.  Since he was a little duffer, he’s had that ‘Fire, Ready, Aim’ mentality, but the older he gets the more serious the consequences, if you catch my drift. 

It was in January of 2022 that I got my first email from Colin with a link to an article about Turo and an email subject proclaiming ‘have you ever heard of this?’  Turo is a car sharing marketplace.  If that doesn’t make a lot of sense to you, then you are entirely normal.  But, alas, the study began.  Within two months Colin owned his first two vehicles and had listed them on Turo marketplace

To explain Turo, it is best to draw a parallel more familiar to the public.  Recall what Uber did to the taxi business?  An owner of a car can promote their services of transporting people through the Uber app and suddenly be in direct competition with a taxi, but with much less overhead expense.  Turo is the ‘Uber’ in the car rental business.  A Turo host can list their vehicle on the Turo app, and rent it out to any customer much like Enterprise, Alamo, or Hertz would.  Again, with much less overhead expense.

For Clear Auto Rentals, we currently have 4 cars servicing Bloomington, one car servicing Peoria, and two cars servicing the Sioux Falls market.  Our Clear Auto Detailing services the Bloomington/Peoria area at this time.

So, why did we go into business?  Well, some of us have been involved in larger business for decades, and this represents the first time we can take the things we have learned and apply them to a little business.  You might say, ‘yeah, but why Clear Auto?’  This is where you might begin to understand what makes us tick.  We would like to have daily impact on people.  We know the mattress folks have captured 1/3 of your life, and the office chair people have captured another 1/3 of your life.  We feel the next biggest area of impact is your vehicle.  Whether you want a clean vehicle, or an enjoyable and reliable rental, we at Clear Auto are gonna be there for ya!

You might ask, “what differentiates you from others?”  Great question.  Who wants to go into business to be a ‘me-too’.  There needs to be something more valuable.   Here is where we have studied the pain points of your life.  Renting a car can be a hassle, along with expensive.  And, when someone considers Turo, those feelings do NOT go away.  So, we are purposely approaching our business differently.  We have formed a tagline of “Surprisingly Easy”.  We want to remove the anxiety, the roadblocks, and other such things that you would end up saying ‘wow, that was surprisingly easy.’  As we push forward, it will be in the area of service, so we project that our next tagline is going to be ‘unreasonable customer service’.  Push us until we get there! Bob

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At Clear Auto Detailing, we know you lack the time to keep your vehicle in tip top shape that you prefer! We also know you would like to be excited about the hours you spend in your vehicle.

Clear Auto Rentals

At Clear Auto Rentals, we use the Turo platform for all of our vehicles (below).  If you click on any vehicle it will take you to the Clear Auto profile on Turo.